Not every patient can tolerate treatment with just local anesthetic. For these patients, Dr. Lea, Dr. Nash, and Dr. Studebaker can offer moderate oral conscious sedation. This option can make your experience much less stressful. This is a wonderful option for patients with:

  1. dental anxiety
  2. gag reflex
  3. dislike for feeling numb
  4. inability to maintain numbness
  5. difficulty opening
  6. intolerance for lengthy procedures

Oral Conscious Sedation

Not every patient can tolerate treatment with just local anesthetic (numbing). We can offer moderate oral sedation for patients which can make the procedure much less stressful. This is a wonderful option for patients with dental anxiety, gag reflex, dislike for feeling numb, inability to maintain numbness, difficulty opening, and intolerance for lengthy procedures.

We can gladly offer moderate oral sedation so long as your medical history/condition deems it is safe. This is a moderate sedation option. Patients may sleep/nap when not provoked; patients can respond to questions when asked, and they can tell us if they need to use the restroom.

Additionally, there is a bit of an amnesia quality to the medications that we would dispense, so a patient may not recall everything about their visit or that day.

Following a consultation, we could appoint you for treatment with this option. You will need a ride to and from the appointment. Your chaperone must stay with you following the appointment. For example you may take an Uber, Lyft, taxi to the appointment, but you must have someone you know take you home and stay with you.

Typical oral sedation instructions: (No eating after midnight)

Evening prior:

Eat a light dinner the evening before (low-fat, mostly lean protein and carbs). Take your prescribed medication at bedtime to make sure you have a good night’s sleep (instead of lying awake anxious about your appointment the following day).

Morning of treatment:

You may have ONLY water and any pre-approved critical medications (blood pressure medications, antibiotics), avoid coffee, avoid any stimulants (cigarettes, adderall, vyvanse, etc.

  1. Wear short sleeves (so we can monitor your blood pressure)
  2. Do not wear nail polish (so we can monitor your oxygen)
  3. Have your ride drop you off
  4. Empty stomach after midnight

Following treatment:

  1. Follow post op instructions for your tooth based on your procedure.
  2. Do not use opioid pain medications the day of treatment. We do not want to add to the sedation you already received.
  3. Do not drink alcohol, plan to operate a vehicle (or heavy machinery), plan to work, be the primary caregiver, sign any legal documents, or shop online.
  4. Stay on schedule with any recommended anti-inflammatories.
  5. You may eat and drink immediately following treatment, just be careful not to bite yourself as you will be numb.

IV Sedation

If you have a complicated medical history or it would be unsafe to orally sedate you, we work with talented anesthesiologists who can provide safe and effective IV sedation in our office.

IV sedation is a deeper sedation option and the only option if a patient wants/prefers/needs to absolutely be “asleep.”

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call our office at 206-633-3636 today!